
An enhanced visual -haptic speaker for the Auditorily Impaired.

Don’t just feel, but also watch your music play.

What is Blu?

Blu is a Visual-Haptic speaker that enables the Auditorily Impaired (AI) to see & feel the music.

Concept Used

Origin and Idea of BLU

Blu is a collaborative project done by Abhavya Roshan and myself as a part of our studio project.

The idea for blu originated while we were watching science experiments. One such experiment was to stretch a piece of latex over a speaker and then place a small mirror on that piece of latex, so when you point a laser at the mirror while music is playing the refracted light of the laser would dance on the wall. The experiment uses air vibration between the speaker and the latex sheet to vibrate the mirror, making the refracted light dance.

After identifying this experiment, we saw an opportunity to use this concept to make a device for the Auditory Impaired and elevate their music experience, from being able to listen to music through vibrations to also being able to see the movement of music while listening to music via vibrations.

Field Research and Experimentation

The research was done using the trial and error method; we began by using different laser colours to find the one with the best visibility. We then tested the laser movements on different music genres, noting their movement and spread. After that, we experimented with various surfaces onto which they refracted to identify which material would give the user the best experience.

Additionally, we also worked with two auditory impaired individuals, Selvam and Fazil, who provided us with first-hand insights after testing out the working prototypes, and then providing us with feedback according to their preference. 

Design Inspiration

For the form, I suggested we look at animals who use sound vibrations to echolocate, as we were also working with sound vibrations. We then each sketched out multiple forms that we thought would be suitable for a speaker. After a lot of deliberation, we finally settled on a form, sketched by Abhavya, inspired by the jellyfish.



Functional prototypes of various components of the design.


Form & Function